Japanese qualification

Japanese qualification, Gokaku TV

Bookkeeping 2nd Grade


Day 1


Commercial bookkeeping

Bookkeeping 2nd Grade Free Lecture - Greeting/Characteristics of Bookkeeping 2nd Grade
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Requesta brochure for the Official Business Skill Test in Bookkeeping 2nd Grade (free)

Bookkeeping test news

Self-study / correspondence courses and attending classes
Test date and pass rate@@Vocational school
Recommended textbooks

Test information

Application period for the bookkeeping test and announcement of the test result

Course list

Bookkeeping 3nd Grade@@@Bookkeeping 2nd Grade
Administrative scrivener@@@Registered real estate broker

How to use Gokaku TV

It is free to participate in the lectures of gBookkeeping 2nd Gradeh! Knowledge enough to pass Bookkeeping 3rd Grade is required in order to understand the 2nd grade.

First get a brochure and prepare to study. Request for a brochure (free) from here.

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¦Advert will appear before course videos.

@Day 1
Japanese qualificationGreeting
Japanese qualificationCharacteristics of bookkeeping 2nd Grade
Japanese qualificationBank reconciliation statement
Japanese qualificationNotes
Japanese qualificationSecurities
Japanese qualificationFixed assets
Japanese qualificationDeferred assets
Japanese qualificationSummary of Day 1
@Day 2
Japanese qualificationGeneral commodity trade
Japanese qualificationSpecial commodity trade
@Day 3
Japanese qualificationStock company
Japanese qualificationNet assets
Japanese qualificationTax
Japanese qualificationCorporate bond
@Day 4
Japanese qualificationAllowances
Japanese qualificationSettlement
Japanese qualificationInteroffice accounting
@Day 5
Japanese qualificationSlip accounting
Japanese qualificationBookkeeping method
Japanese qualificationIndustrial bookkeeping 2nd Grade
Japanese qualificationSite map

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